Friday, August 28, 2020

Ford Motor Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Passage Motor Company - Essay Example This report will give a complete examination of the outer and interior variables and angles that has lead the organization to emergency. The initial segment of the investigation exhibits a synopsis about the organization and its issues by and large. From the investigation in the second part it is discovered that poor administration and dynamic is the most serious issue of Ford. Portage is likewise loosing the market edge on Hybrid and Small vehicles fragment. A fish bone graph is utilized to speak to the different difficulties that have lead to the loss of benefit for Ford. The investigation assisted with showing up at the issues which are the executives, rivalry, downturn and quality. Extreme family control and poor dynamic are the significant administration issues. Additionally, rivalry from Japanese vehicle creators and other little and half and half vehicle producers are the significant rivalry lead issues. Low interest and undulating impacts of the downturn are the recessionary issues. At last item imperfections and followed that are the quality issues that influenced passage. The investigation had likewise advanced different arrangements that will assist the organization with coming back to productivity. Enormous decrease of the family’s stake in the business is among the essential answer for Ford. The later piece of the report depicts a point by point money saving advantage investigation for showing up at the correct choice for the organization. A portion of the options arrangements accessible for Ford are as per the following: put enormous in R&D, grow the market, grow all the more little vehicles, bit by bit leave the stake from other auto organizations, put resources into vital coalitions, bit by bit increment the promoting costs, underline the message of value. ... Since the time its origin Ford has procured and sold a large number of the huge brands in the business. Puma and Land Rover and Volvo are the main ones among them. Following the emergency that hit the organization and which nearly lead to their disappointment, it needs to rebuild itself completely. As a piece of it, Ford even ended its Mercury image. Portage was one of the pioneers of ‘Mass Production’ idea. Portage presented the sequential construction system framework in the vehicle creation that empowered the turn over of huge number of vehicles inside constrained time. The Model T was the principal Ford model to experience sequential construction system creation. â€Å"When the United States got engaged with World War I (April 1917), the Ford Motor Company set its assets at the removal of the government.† (Funding Universe, 2011) Following the retirement of Henry Ford in 1918, the company’s activities were cared for by his child Edsel Ford. Passage conf ronted the primary money related issues in 1921 when the organization had $58 million in the red and the organization had just $20 million with them to meet this. Yet, the different key moves that included deals of greatest vehicle and just through money, decrease of inventories by 33%, and different other cost decrease strategies helped them to expand money inflow. Inside no time Ford raised around $87 million which gave them an excess sum considerably in the wake of meeting all its obligation commitments. â€Å"The vision of Ford Motors is to turn into the world’s driving purchaser organization for car items and administrations. The statement of purpose of Ford is to that they are a worldwide family with a pleased legacy enthusiastically dedicated to giving individual versatility to individuals around the world. We envision purchaser require and convey remarkable items and administrations that improve individuals'

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The problem and review of related literature and studies Essay Example For Students

The issue and survey of related writing and studies Essay IntroductionEveryone is obviously pre-resolved to hold a descendants. This would just be seeing someone a grown-up male and grown-up female. It is non ever obvious in a relationship if there is another life that will be framed. A few variables may loan to the hinderances in the development of new life especially to grown-up male since male ( sperm ) gamete is the 1 dependable to begin preparation. the fraternity of male ( sperm ) and female ( ovum ) gametes. These may incorporate low sperm tallies. hapless sperm quality. anatomical employments and hormonal insecurities. These components were other than depicted under male sterility which prompts failure to deliver posterity. Pre-created medications to deal with this are promptly accessible in the market. however, it is related with some undesirable impacts. Talahib ( Saccharum spontaneum ) is one of the most plentiful workss found in the Philippines especially in detached nations. The various pieces of talahib are pharmaceutically utilized as diuretic. cataplasm. cleansing. styptic and cream. It is other than seen as a love potion that has an outcome to evoke sexual want which may look like to climb birthrate. The examination laborers expect to turn out the effectivity of ethanolic implantation of talahib on spermatocyte expansion in male coney ( Oryctolagus Cuniculus ) . The foliages of talahib will be utilized in this test. The exploration laborers will other than carry on phytochemical appearing for the finding of the distinctive concoction segments present in the talahib leaves. Along these lines. on the off chance that the ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages will be demonstrated useful. it is acceptable to those duos who wants to hold a posterity most especially to male which is the focussed of this overview on spermatocyte expansion. Proclamation of the ProblemThis review manages the finding of the viability of ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages on spermatocyte multiplication. In particular. the surveypurposes to answer the followers:1. What are the distinctive phytochemical segments present in the ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages? 2. Is at that place a correlativity between testosterone degree and sperm include in various intercessions of ethanolic mixture of talahib foliages? 3. Is there a significant contrast on spermatocyte multiplication between the various mediations of ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages to that of Proviron? Hypothesiss Ho †There is no significant connection between testosterone degree and sperm include in various intercessions of ethanolic imbuement of talahib foliages. Ho †There is no significant distinction between ethanolic mixture of talahib foliages and Proviron as economically utilized operator for sterility. Noteworthiness of the Study The study has significant bearing data on the spermatocyte expansion of ethanolic imbuement of talahib foliages. In this way. the present overview is imperative to the undermentioned: Community. The result of the review will be useful to the network which can flexibly a minimal effort and exchange starting for the mediation of sterility occupations especially to grown-up male. Division of Health ( DOH )/Department of Science and Technology ( DOST ) . The outcomes of the review will give additional data about the utilization of talahib as a start of intercession for sterility employments to grown-up male. Pharmaceutical Industries. The result of the study would be of extraordinary guide in the readiness of new specialist for mediation of sterility no doubt in the event that it would be more remarkable than the monetarily accessible medication. Research laborers. This review encourages the examination laborers to put perception to the position and have a situation on the clinical fortes accessible in the market that will elevate the creation of spermatocytes. Future Researchers. This overview will work as the balance and notice of the great beyond look into laborers especially if their review concentrated on spermatocyte expansion. Setting of the Study The phytochemical appearing of the changed segments present in the ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages will be led at St. Paul University Philippines ( SPUP ) College-Science Laboratory. The talahib leaves will be gathered at Masical. Baggao. Cagayan. Extension and Delimitation This review bargains mainly on the solidity of ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages on the spermatocyte multiplication. The implantation will be exposed to phytochemical appearing to discover the nearness of optional metabolites, for example, Alkaloids. Quaternary and additionally Amine Oxidase Bases. Flavonoids. Tannins and Polyphenolic Compounds. Starches. Saponin Glycosides. Proteins. Fixed Oils. Fats. furthermore, Volatile Oils and Anthraquinones. The exploration laborers will administrate the mixture through unwritten constrained taking care of in the male white coney. This review will evaluate the testosterone degree. figure of sperm. morphology of sperm and motility of sperm. This will discover the result of ethanolic mixture of talahib foliages on spermatocyte expansion. The removal of the ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages with various intercessions of 0. 25 gms. 0. 10 gms. 0. 05 gms. 0. 025 gms and 0. 01 gms of one 100 ( 100 ) per centum fixation will discover the limit of talahib foliages on spermatocyte multiplication. Applied Model Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study Hypothetical ModelThe ethanolic mixture of talahib foliages will be utilized in this review to discover its result on spermatocyte expansion. The examination laborers will use explicitly develop male white coneies as the preliminary enliven being from which the original liquid and the blood will be pulled back to be utilized for semen investigation and testosterone degree investigation severally. The preliminary quicken being will be given equivalent aggregates of supplement and H2O and put in a similar domain for 20 eight ( 28 ) yearss so starting investigation of the seeds and blood of coneies will be led to dispose of physiologic elements that may affect the outcomes of the review. The fundamental liquid will be gathered through stunning vagina ( AV ) for semen investigation and the blood will be gathered through the fringy ear venas for testosterone degree examination. After the underlying investigation. various mediations will be set up for removal for another 20 eight ( 28 ) yearss. Every mediation comprises of three ( 3 ) repeats given in five portions of ethanolic implantation of talahib foliages. the positive control ( Proviron ) and negative control for 20 eight ( 28 ) yearss. Audit of Related Literature and Studies Wild sugar stick ( Saccharum spontaneum ) is a coarse. erect. enduring. regularly pretty much caespitose or gregarious grass. accomplishing a stature of 1 to 3. 5 meters. furthermore, lifting from strong subterranean rhizome. The foliages are unpleasant. added substance. 0. 5 to 1 meter long. 6 to 15 millimeters wide. The panicles are white. erect. 15 to 30 centimeters in length. with the developments slim. whorled. delicate. what's more, the verbalizations secured with long. delicate. white hairs. The spines are around 3. 5 millimeters in length. extremely a lot shorter than the voluminous. long. white hairs at the base. It is privately known as talahib ( Tag. ) . sikal ( Ibn ) . lidda ( Ilk ) . Talahib is found in loosened nations at low and medium statures. go uping to 1. 500 meters. furthermore, much of the time gregarious. busying about completely huge nations all through the Philippines. A decoction of the roots is utilized in the Philippines as a water pill. Blending to Nadkarni. the roots are utilized as a galactagogue and diuretic ( a specialist that advances nephritic end of electrolytes and H2O ) . Song of praise By Ayn Rand EssayA man’s sperm can be changed by his general wellbeing and way of life. A few things that may chop down the wellbeing or figure of sperm include: substantial intoxicant use. drugs. smoke final resting place nails. age. ecological poisons. counting pesticides and lead. health occupations, for example, plague parotitiss. genuine conditions like kidney malady. or on the other hand endocrine employments. clinical claims to fame. what's more, radiation mediation and chemo treatment for threatening neoplastic illness. Erectile disfunction or weakness is the diligent or repetitive powerlessness to accomplish or keep a hard-on adequate to complete sex or another picked sexual action. It is extremely normal and influences in any event one in each 10 work powers. This implies there are an expected 2. 3 million work powers in the UK desolation from erectile disfunction. Tragically. only roughly 10 % of wiped out people truly get mediation. The figure of work powers suffering erectile disfunction increments with age. Most work powers have an incidental inability to obtain or keep up a hard-on. It regularly outcomes from accentuation. weariness. uneasiness. wretchedness. or on the other hand over the top intoxicant ingestion. The announcements above speak to the contrasts between the ordinarily mixed up or confounded footings. erectile disfunction and sterility. It would help the exploration laborers and the perusers to isolate these footings from one another. Erectile disfunction is characterized as the failure of a male to keep a hard-on adequate to complete sex or movement while for sterility. it is alluded the failure to gestate because of low whole or nonattendance of sperm cell creation. ( hypertext move convention:/smallpenises. blogspot. com/2011/01/what-are-center contrasts between. hypertext markup language ) During spermatogenesis. miosis. or on the other hand decline division happens. The spermatogonia are foundational microorganisms fusing 46 chromosomes that partition by mitosis to deliver two young lady cells. One stays a root cell. The different turns into a primogenitor spermatogonium. bound to form into sperm. This spermatogonium isolates by mitosis to sort out two essential spermatocytes. each with 46 chromosomes. The essential spermatocytes so finish the principal meiotic division. bring forthing two auxiliary spermato

Friday, August 21, 2020

Party Tourism; the Effects of a Drug Sub-Culture in Ibiza Essay Example

Gathering Tourism; the Effects of a Drug Sub-Culture in Ibiza Paper The accompanying report looks at the effect of gathering the travel industry in Ibiza, Spain. Ibiza has been generally viewed as the best spot for party the travel industry on the planet and the measure of voyagers visiting the goal for the sole motivation behind celebrating duplicates this pattern. Be that as it may, this sort of the travel industry isn't perfect and the weight it makes on a little goal is very broad. The report gives understanding into the measure of medications taken by people, with the discoveries demonstrating most of guests who use back home increment their sum while holidaying in Ibiza. For the individuals who don't use at home, 16 percent tested just because while in Ibiza. Subtleties are additionally surrendered to the use examples of easygoing work working in Ibiza over the mid year time frame. The report shows the effect drugs have on a goal and specifically Ibiza, where increment in wrongdoing has become a significant issue with packs battling for the medication exchange. Also, a portrayal for the potential harm this travel industry advertise has on a destination’s picture is accounted for, with most different types of sightseers starting to migrate somewhere else. An examination with an Australian Capital City is involved. The outcomes show comparable medication use, anyway Melbourne has greater government support for procedures fighting the utilization of illegal medications in dance club. At last, a few proposals of potential systems to limit medicate utilization in Ibiza are talked about at the finish of the paper. Presentation 90 kilometers off the bank of Spain lays the island of Ibiza, home to 2. 6 million guests for every annum (Botsford, 2001). We will compose a custom exposition test on Party Tourism; the Effects of a Drug Sub-Culture in Ibiza explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Party Tourism; the Effects of a Drug Sub-Culture in Ibiza explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Party Tourism; the Effects of a Drug Sub-Culture in Ibiza explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The figure may not appear to be gigantic, despite the fact that considering Spain recorded a yearly appearance number of 53. million out of 2006 (UNWTO, 2007), and cutting-edge visitor numbers in Ibiza would to speak to a high increment in the travel industry appearances, it is a huge number corresponding to the travel industry advertise Ibiza pulls in. Recently known for a culture of laid back perspectives and a flower child orientated way of life, Ibiza before long began to draw in the travel industry development with the expansion of music occasions and club advancements from proprietors previously settled in the United Kingdom (Horner, Swarbrooke, 2004: 230). Through the span of four decades extending from the 70’s, Ibiza’s vacationer showcase started to change. The agreeable way of life and loosened up air began to scatter, rather changing into a goal of steady late evening celebrating and medicate impacted sightseers. â€Å"Ibiza has gotten equivalent in the course of recent decades with the medication invaded clubbing, or raving, subculture. Each late spring, youthful visitors visit the goal and departure into drugs, liquor, relentless moving and mysterious sexâ€Å" states (Harman, 2002). (Curley, 2007) fortifies this remark, in spite of the fact that recommends that the medication culture has been representative for quite a long time, â€Å"since late 1960’s medications have been a factor in pulling in vacationers to Ibiza†. The expanding interest for party the travel industry in Ibiza has seen an expansion in the measure of medications accessible in dance club and gathering spots in Ibiza. (Chesshyre, 2001) bolsters this issue by expressing, â€Å"Drugs, in the event that you need them, are uninhibitedly accessible in Ibiza. I was moved toward many occasions during my visit. † Instances like these eventual thought about surprising if, for example, were accounted for from Venice or Hawaii, yet it would show up since this medication sub-culture that rules Ibiza has influenced the island on numerous levels. Nonetheless, there is the observation that Ibiza hosts become dependant on get-together the travel industry for financial development and for the mid year months when the gathering sightseers are there, Ibiza inhabitants like Pablo Vincente despise the clubbers, yet advantage from the travel industry cash they acquire. â€Å"We whine, however we need them† (Harman, 2002). For the gathering traveler, for what reason would you go anyplace else to encounter the nightlife? This is the goal that charges 12 euros for a standard mixed drink, yet the expense of a pill that props you up for a considerable length of time cost 5 (Govan, 2007). The inquiry to be tended to anyway is what harm is this travel industry advertise having on Ibiza’s goal picture and neighborhood occupants? Medication use designs in Ibiza A key factor in the expanding utilization of recreational medications is their relationship with clubs and move music (Forsyth, Barnard McKeganey, 1997). The advanced marvel of clubbing (late-evening moving, frequently in mix with tranquilize use) was imported, generally from Ibiza, by people holidaying abroad and afterward coming back to reproduce the blend of present day move music and joy use in their nation of occupant (Garret, 1998, p. 29). The figures beneath show the increments in tranquilize use and sexual action in Ibiza by first time clients and the expansion in medicate taking for the individuals who use at home and afterward when visiting Ibiza. Visitor Tourists who utilize recreational medications in their home of inception have a penchant to expand their degrees of substance use when in Ibiza. (Bellis, Hale, Bennett, Chaudry Kilfoyle, 2001) attempted an investigation to contrast tranquilize use among UK inhabitants with that of their utilization in Ibiza. The key discoveries of the report found that 12 percent of 16 to multi year olds in the UK all inclusive community have utilized recreational medications sooner or later, anyway in Ibiza 51. percent of youthful guests utilize illicit medications on vacation. Of the significant party drugs, 43. 1 percent of vacationers use happiness, 37. 5 percent use cannabis and 24. 6 percent use cocaine. For first time clients â€Å"an expanding number of youthful British holidaymakers start trying different things with illegal medications at top clubbing resorts† (Bjortomt, 2003). A similar creator reports that those taking delight in Ibiza just because has risen 16% from 1999 to 2002. 17. 4 and 33. 1 for each 1000 individuals were acquainted with cocaine and rapture use, separately in Ibiza. For those visitors who continually utilize recreational medications at their place of inception, (Hughes, et. l, 2004) recognizes that for euphoria, 2. 9% of clients in the UK who utilized the medication at least 5 times each week rose to 42. 6% while holidaying in Ibiza. Occasional Employee Those individuals who travel to Ibiza for regular work in occasion resorts, clubs or bars (Hughes, Bellis Chaudry, 2004) led a study to distinguish the degree of medication use among easygoing work in Ibiza, contrasted with that of guests from the UK. As the exploration decides, those taking an interest in easygoing work are bound to utilize unlawful medications when working in Ibiza than when working in the UK. Besides, easygoing work utilized various kinds of medications progressively visit however utilized medications on normal two days per week, less successive than recreational travelers in Ibiza. Sexual action designs in Ibiza Tourist Major worry for the island and home starting point of the vacationer is the measure of sexual action that is clear in Ibiza. (Bellis, Hale, Bennett, Chaudry Kilfoyle, 2001) distinguish that 53. 8 percent of travelers to Ibiza had sex during their remain, with 26. 2 percent not utilizing assurance and 23. 2 percent having more than one sexual accomplice. These figures show a significant issue for the spread of explicitly transmitted contaminations in both Ibiza, with different accomplices being utilized without security, and afterward the transference of these maladies to the home goal. Occasional Employee For easygoing work on the island, (Hughes Bellis, 2006) recognize that 80. 5 percent of easygoing work in Ibiza had sex with 65. 5 percent having unprotected sex. The blend of medications and sex among sightseers and easygoing work has become a hazard for the sexual strength of people and a potential channel for the global spread of explicitly transmitted diseases. Goal Ibiza as a feeling of ‘freedom’ The expansion in tranquilize taking and sexual action can be portrayed by (Dann, 2007) who built up a paper titled ‘Tourist Behavior As Controlled Freedom’ to recognize the connection between's a vacationers impression of proper conduct when on vacation to that of when they are in their home of beginning. The paper proposes vacationers expect the discernment that the home condition depicts an absence of opportunity to the person through the glorification of government laws and the feeling that their lives are to some degree constrained by the thought of what is correct and what's up. For the individual searching for a travel industry experience, the occasion of taking an occasion can make a transitory break from social detainment †the weights of a typical presence. Dann’s model interestingly with Ibiza is best depicted by (Bjortomt, 2003) as, â€Å"once abroad in Ibiza, the feeling of opportunity and climate of abundance implies that a few people who have never utilized medications try. † It underlines the contention from Dann that the individual gets engaged by the idea of ‘no boundaries’ while on vacation. With Spain playing host to 58. 5 million visitors in 2006 (UNWTO, 2007), and a large portion of them searching for the getaway of sun and sand, it’s a plausible idea that the person who visits Ibiza is hoping to challenge the framework that limits them consistently in their home condition. Impact of medications in Ibiza The Tourism Market Once thought of as a problem area for rewarding business sector travelers, the new variety of the travel industry that Ibiza presently draws in rivals most world goals as far as bringing visitors back

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

All About Writing a Term Paper

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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Negative Effect of Pesticides on the Environment Essay

The Negative Effect of Pesticides on the Environment America the Beautiful! So why are we destroying it everyday with the use of pesticides? It has been proven that pesticides have affects on its surrounding, although made to improve earths resources, they typically take there negative effect on the environment in time. Pesticides affect more than the environment; they also affect the animals and humans living in the environment. There are alternative, to this major problem but, we as the caretakers of earth must act fast. In the following paper Im going to share with you what pesticides are. Ill tell you why they are not safe to use and some of the affects of pesticides. Last, I will talk about some new alternatives there are†¦show more content†¦Everyday pesticides are dumped into our environment. Over time most of the pesticides make thier way to a source of water, whether its groundwater or a body of water. According to Lewis Regenstein author of America the Poisoned two thirds of the nations lakes have serious pollu tion problems. 80% of 3,700 urban lakes in the United States are destroyed. More than 94 million residents could use these lakes for recreational use or for a source of water (169). Cincinnatis drinking water contains about 700 chemicals. 90% of them did not exist 20 years ago. The main sources of most of these chemical pollutants are municipal sewage, industrial discharges, and runoffs from farming areas. There are also several other chemicals in Americas drinking water. Although hazardous, there are approximately 60 chemicals that are mixed into water in the process of treating it. Unlike rivers or lakes, underground supplies are not processed at treatment plants before being used by humans. More than one hundred million of our citizens depend in a whole or in part on underground as sources of drinking water (Beck qtd. in Regenstein 172). Once groundwater becomes contaminated, there is usually no way to clean it. Pesticides also have a great affect on the food we consume. F ood is one of the great necessities of life. Yet, a growing amount of evidence indicates that the food supply is being contaminated with pesticides (Mott Snyder vii). These pesticides are most commonlyShow MoreRelatedThe Detremental Effects of DDT Exposed in Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson911 Words   |  4 Pageswidespread use of synthetic pesticides and their impact on the environment. Carson concentrates on a commonly used pesticide in the 1950s called DDT. She opposes the indiscriminate spraying of DDT because it has profound consequences on the environment, humans and animals. Carson collected information about how the DDT can cause cancer in humans, harm animals such as birds and remained in the environment for long periods of time. 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Americans should not use chemicals without researching and considering serious consequences. Rachel Carson, an aquatic biologist who helped shape the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, wrote an article about the damage chemicals are having on the earth. She presented a great point that most damage Americans are causing to the earth cannot be reversed. These chemicals are left in the air or in the ground for generations (Carson 50). AmericansRead MoreBook Review Of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring1687 Words   |  7 Pagesabout environmental issues. The impetus for much of this activism can be identified in a book published by Rachel Carson. Her book, â€Å"Silent Spring,† published in 1962, awakened a large number of Americans to the dangers of chemicals - specifically pesticides. A graduate of Pennsylvania College for Women, Carson was a student of zoology and a lifelong lover of nature. Though she was a prolific author, â€Å"Silent Spring† is arguably Carson’s magnum opus. 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It is marketedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Obligation To Endure By Rachel Carson875 Words   |  4 PagesWith dangerous pesticides becoming more and more prevalent in the late fifties and early sixties, Rachel Carson, an influential writer and scientist, took a stand by writing an extremely controversial essay, â€Å"The Obligation to Endure.† Her writings would go on to pave the way for many improvements in America’s environmental policies, especially concerning pesticides. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effect of Crisis on Religion in Europe Black Death...

The Effect of Crisis on Religion in Europe: How did Black Death and World War II affect religious beliefs in Europe, with a focus on the effects it had on both the Roman Catholic Church and Jews? Candidate Name: Katie Miller Candidate Number:____________ May 2013 History Extended Essay Supervisor: Mr. Derek Parsons Word Count: 3,133 Abstract This essay is a comparative analysis of the effect that two major crises in Europe had upon religion. Europe was a central hub for both the events of the Black Death, as the place where the devastation of the plague was most accurately documented, and World War II, as it was the main theater during the conflict. Both events are†¦show more content†¦Some people â€Å"reformed their ways, married their concubines, abstained from drinking and gambling, and appeased the friends and neighbors they had insulted or offended.† 4 One of the more extremist groups, who were known as the Flagellants, held to the idea of penitence. This strange and terrible brotherhood, also known as the Brethren of the Cross, originated in Germany.5 The Church vehemently opposed the self-abasing group. The Flagellants held processionals through the streets, whipping themselves as they went from town to town. Penitence is a practice that lost favor after the Black Plague due to its ineffectivene ss to prevent the spread of the disease, and in part due to the extreme lengths it was taken to during the plague. The Flagellants criticized the Church for not following God’s law, and eventually found a popular target to blame for the pestilence: the Jews. The actions against Jews first began with Constantine, after Christianity was officially accepted as a religion in the fourth century, with heavy penalties for those who â€Å"visited a pagan temple or converted to Judaism.†6 Through history, they were again faced with injustices through the punishment of mixed Jewish-Christian marriagesShow MoreRelatedShort Stories Review Essay6945 Words   |  28 PagesIreland - Dublin I’m a Fool:  20th century, after WWII USA - southern state Just Lather, that’s all:  early 1900s, during revolution Mexico A special occasion:  modern day - 1960s USA, children’s hospital Defender of the Faith:  May, 1945 Camp Crowder, Missouri, USA Pauls Case:  1900 - 1920 time frame Boston amp; New York, USA The Catbird Seat:  1950s maybe later USA, city, corporate office The Lottery:  circa 20th century, or modern times unknown - Europe or North America The Enchanted Doll: ThusRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pages GP NOTES 2010 (ESSAY) Content Page 1. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Case study of Bid Taxi Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Information technology Of Bid Taxi. Answer: Introduction Information technology can be simply defined as the major function of several systems for properly and significantly storing, transmitting, manipulating, collecting as well as retrieving all types of information. The most important part of an information technology is the ICT or the information and communications technology (Bloom et al., 2014). The data operation or the information operations are solely done with the help of this information technology and information system. All the information technologies usually facilitate the transferring any kinds of information by several electronic mediated communications. Nowadays, all companies utilize information technology for the successful completion of their project. The following report will outline a brief discussion on the case study of Bid Taxi. It is considered as one of the most popular and renowned taxi businesses in worldwide that had been growing really fast. The report properly defines the main business operations of Bid Taxi and three suggestions to this organization to enhance their business successfully. Case Study Public transportation or taxi services are considered as one of the most important requirement in todays world. It has brought greater advancement in the facility of transportation in all over the world. These taxi services provide the best type of facility to its customers of picking up and finally dropping off at the destination (Holtshouse, 2013). Bid Taxi is one of the special types of taxi services that works with bidding facility. There are two specific formats in any particular Bid Taxi. Each of these formats is for the driver as well as the customer. The customers with their format within the application can book their cabs according to their wish. They will have to register themselves into the application and thus will be provided with a unique username and password. The driver, on the other hand, would also have a unique username and password. They would be able to connect to those particular customers, who have registered themselves into the application. The moment the dri ver and the customer becomes partners, they can contact each other (Jacobs, Chase Lummus, 2014). The customer could see all the available drivers and would eventually connect to the desired driver without any type of complexities. Moreover, the customer with his format will have the ability to select his driver according to his choice. The available drivers would bid for ten minutes and the winning bidding taxi would be booked by the customer. There are various significant advantages of this particular Bid Taxi service. The first and the foremost advantage of this specific type of Bid Taxi service is that it is available 24*7. The customers do not have to wait for their cab services and thus have the facility of constant availability. The second advantage of the Bid Taxi service is that it is extremely affordable in respect to all other cab services. There is a fixed price and while booking for the cab, as soon as the destination is given, a price is fixed and under no circumstance s, this price is changed (Zhao et al., 2013). The next advantage of this service is that it saves time and the customer does not have to get out of his house to search for a cab. Moreover, the customer does not have to know his route and the driver can take him through GPS with utmost security. The entire journey is being tracked. Business Operations Business operations can be defined as those particular activities or actions that are executed each and every day in any particular organization. The day to day functionalities are solely executed by the business for the significant purpose of obtaining profit from them. If the business operations are not of high standard, it is evident that the business would face major losses (Sennewald Baillie, 2015). Moreover, the customers or the stakeholders of the business get a clear idea of the business after observing and understanding the business operations. Each and every business comprises of their unique business operations that help them to gain popularity, success and profit. Bid Taxi does have some of the most significant business operations within the business. These business operations are extremely flexible and scalable in terms of other business operations and thus can be referred to as the most effective of all. The following are the four distinct business operations of the or ganization of Bid Taxi. Taxi Booking: The first and the foremost business operation of the organization of Bid Taxi is the booking of the cab or taxi. These taxi services are not similar to the cab services of regular pick up and drop. These are special type of taxi services. The customers or the clients can book their taxi or cab by means of bidding facility (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin Abdul Hamid, 2013). This technically means the customer or the passenger can book their cab through a bidding technique. The characteristic of booking is responsible for the grabbing of customers request for available cab services. Various drivers are available for the customer and the customer can select any one of them. The customer can choose the appropriate bid for the drivers. This bid comprises of both the journey and the facility provided in the journey, Tools as well as Techniques: The second business operation of the taxi service of Bid Taxi is that there are various tools and techniques present in the particular application. These tools as well as techniques help the customer to know about their journey properly (Laudon Laudon, 2015). They feel safe and secured with this type of facility. They can constantly track their journey and thus have the ability to know whether they are following the correct route or not. ID Cards Verification: Another significant business operation of the taxi service of Bid Taxi is the verification of the identity cards of both the driver and the customers (Van Der Aalst, La Rosa Santoro, 2016). The moment a customer gets into the taxi; both the driver and the customer have to show their identity cards to each other for proper verification. Moreover, an OTP or one time password is sent to the customer and he will have to verify this particular password with the driver. When these two numbers will tally, the journey would be started. Easy Payment: The payment structure in this particular service of Bid Taxi is very easy and simple. The customers can pay for the journey in terms of cash (Schwalbe, 2015). However, if they do not enough cash with them, they can even pay with the help of credit or debit cards. Since both of these facilities are available, Bid Taxi is extremely popular to all the customers and clients worldwide. Three Recommendations for Bid Taxi Although Bid Taxi is quite popular in their terms, few things are required to be changed on an immediate basis. Rather, few facilities are to be implemented within the system that are absent in the current situation. They are given below: Internet Connectivity: This is the first and the foremost requirement in any cab services in todays world (Heizer, 2016). The internet connection helps to connect with the rest of the world effectively and efficiently, without any type of problems. This internet connection is responsible for helping the customers in tracking their journey and thus feeling safe and secured. Moreover, the Global Positioning System or the GPS system helps the driver to search for the perfect location even if he is not accustomed with the route. Quality Improvement: The next recommendation to the application of Bid Taxi services is to improve the quality of their service. The quality of any taxi service solely depends on the quality of the driving (Galliers Leidner, 2014). Thus, the drivers of this particular taxi service should be trained properly before getting into the business. Their licenses should be thoroughly checked and must be ensured that he is efficient enough to drive a taxi. Added Services for the Old Customers: The last important recommendation for the taxi service of Bid Taxi is providing extra services for all the old customers and the children (Schaper et al., 2014). These extra services for the older customers as well as the children would help the organization to gain popularity as the customers would be emotionally touched with the service. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that Bid Taxi is a new hope in the field of advanced transportation services. This particular type of taxis does not follow the traditional method of booking of a cab. Rather, these are solely booked by the process for bidding. The customers and the drivers are registered in the application and both of them are provided the facility of booking the taxi properly. The drivers bid for ten minutes and finally the customers can select the cab according to his wish. These types of cabs are available all the time and are economic and affordable. It does not incur huge costs and can be easily afforded by everyone. The above report has clearly demonstrated the entire case study of Bid Taxi. This report has helped to understand the various significant business operations within the business and how these business operations are useful to everyone. Moreover, three recommendations are also provided for the betterment of the service. Bid Taxi is one of the most important advancement in public transportation system in all over the world. This particular type of taxi service is quite different from the traditional taxi services where the customers search for the cabs and finally book them. Then they would get into the taxi for reaching their destination (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta Lanvin, 2013). Bid Tax does not follow this rule. It is the taxi service, which improvises the ride sharing service in cabs. They do not maintain any charts of previously fixed rates in terms of time and distance. They utilize the service of bidding for their rides. After getting the confirmation about starting and ending of journey, from any particular customer, this service checks for the time and cost, that is suitable to the drivers. As soon as the drivers available, they bid for next ten minutes. The customer can then select his preferred driver according to the cost and facilities. Moreover, an estimated cost is provided to the customers once they select for the journey destination (Lloyd, 2017). Once booked, the cost of the journey is fixed. In spite of having these advantages within the application, two suggestions are provided for the betterment of the service. They are as follows: Security and Safety Measures Implementation: This is the first and the foremost suggestion that is to be added in the business operation or service of the Bid Taxi. Safety and security measures are the most important factors in any transportation business. The significant factor in the safety and security of a cab service is the quality of driving. The drivers should be well qualified for driving any type of cabs (Pinto, 2015). A special training should be incorporated for this particular purpose. The drivers should have the complete idea and experience of driving in any specific situation. All the measures that are related to safety and security should be properly implemented within the system or application, so that there exists no loophole in the security factor. Moreover, the driver should have the basic idea of gross skills of motor so that he has the ability to fix any minor problem within the car. A test should be taken for each and every driver appointed in the business. Vari ous distractions are to be made during the test and if the driver is capable of surpassing all the distractions, only then he is to be selected for the job. There is a high possibility of reducing the chances of accidents in this purpose. Feedback from Driver as well as Customer: The next suggestion for the business operation of Bid Taxi service is taking special feedbacks from driver as well as the customers. These feedbacks would be extremely important for both the driver and the customer (Laudon Laudon, 2016). When a customer gets into the cab, he notices the overall facilities and behaviour of the driver. On that particular basis, the customer would be sharing his or her feedback about the driver. The driver would be getting bonus points if he gets a good review and would losing points, if gets a bad review. Similarly, the drivers can also share their feedback about the customers. References Al-Mamary, Y. H., Shamsuddin, A., Abdul Hamid, N. A. (2013). The impact of management information systems adoption in managerial decision making: A review.Management Information Systems,8(4), 010-017. Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S., Lanvin, B. (2013, April). The global information technology report 2013. InWorld Economic Forum(pp. 1-383). Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R., Van Reenen, J. (2014). The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization.Management Science,60(12), 2859-2885. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (Eds.). (2014).Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Heizer, J. (2016).Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Holtshouse, D. K. (2013).Information technology for knowledge management. Springer Science Business Media. Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., Lummus, R. R. (2014).Operations and supply chain management(pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2015).Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm Plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText--Access Card Package. Prentice Hall Press. Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2016).Management information system. Pearson Education India. Lloyd, I. (2017).Information technology law. Oxford University Press. Pinto, J. K. (2015).Project management: achieving competitive advantage. Prentice Hall. Schaper, M. T., Volery, T., Weber, P. C., Gibson, B. (2014).Entrepreneurship and small business. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Sennewald, C. A., Baillie, C. (2015).Effective security management. Butterworth-Heinemann. Van Der Aalst, W. M., La Rosa, M., Santoro, F. M. (2016). Business process management. Zhao, Z., Lee, W. C., Shin, Y., Song, K. B. (2013). An optimal power scheduling method for demand response in home energy management system.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,4(3), 1391-1400.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Transcendent Life Review Essay Example

Transcendent Life Review Paper Essay on Transcendent Life By Didier Van Kovelart I always expect some extraordinary stroke in the book, unaccustomed to mass consciousness, whether it is the cloning of Christ, the love of porn star, wrestling with his counterpart. In this book, the author also began with a few non-standard, even though we already know the course, namely the devitalization of the protagonist. The book begins with the words: Â «I died at seven oclock in the morning. the heros body is really dead, but in the soul remains with the body and began to contemplate what is happening after his death, and at the same time to analyze the events of his life, We will write a custom essay sample on Transcendent Life Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Transcendent Life Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Transcendent Life Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer as well as the lives of their loved ones. Sam hero I did not like, once a weak man, who during his life could not rebuild their lives, was not understood by his wife, was not like a son, and entangled in the fight against wasteland bourgeois perception he found a temporary rest in the open arms of the young mistress arabki. The idea that Van Kovelart keeps behind the scenes, because this right is not written, it looks something like this: People, as long as you are alive, look around you, hug your loved ones feel your love for him. The majority in order to understand such a need does not die, but the hero realizes that he still loves his wife after the death of that sons school problems, and that the boy still could find podhod- only hovered over them, disembodied spirit, getting into their brains, watching them all from. Sometimes it was not bad witty replicas, a pity that there were very few. Funny situations napr.notarius publicly reads the will, which says that Jack (the name of the soul in his lifetime) asks to be buried in a coffin-fantasy, which is a masterpiece of Ghanaian wood carving and has the shape of a fish with fins that the wife asks otpilis in due to the fact that the tomb does not fit into the grave. still, the book made me bored, because may not be a bad idea, killing hero, force him to comment on what is happening, actions and behavior of people after his departure from life. But, with all this, Kovelart of this topic did not comedy, but in vain, the idea was the basis for the view of the French heartland, with its hardware stores, family problems Jacques and Fabeny, their son, pesky pustozvonok neighbors, lovers, friends, unrealistic expectations of life in general. In general, any God you nor Archangels, nor the Last Judgment, but only a philistine problemki. Oh, sorry

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on Anne Bradstreet And Phillis Wheatly

Phillis Wheatly and Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatly are two women in American Literature who are greatly respected for the works of poetry they have created. Phillis Wheatly is of a patriotic writer. Writing for the love she has for her country and countrymen. She is not shy when addressing the beauty of the land and its people. Whereas, Anne Bradstreet is more of an individual poet who draws on personal experiences based on her through her life. Both women are fabulous writers but have two different ways of writing. In Anne Bradstreet’s poem The Four Ages of Man she is writing about the birth and life of a child. The way the tone is set in this poem is a very melancholy dreary tone almost with a hint of hate. The emotions that this person is going through are feelings of not being worthy. In the poem it states that the child doesn’t even feel deserving of its own mother’s breast milk. And as this child develops Anne Bradstreet writes about lack of motivation this person has and thinks he will never amount to anything. Anne Bradstreet changes the somber tone for a more serious confessional like tone in To My Dear and Loving Husband. She expresses this love with straightforward statements that make the reader believe in this pure romance between this man and wife. In this she writes about her great romance with her husband that she loves and respects more than anything. Love is the most difficult thing to describe but I think she did an amazing job. When Anne Bradstreet said, â€Å"My love is such that rivers could not quench† she hit it right on the nose. Phillis Wheatly on the other hand takes a less personal approach and has a more global feel. In her poem On the Death of the Revered Mr. George Whitefield she writes about a well-respected man. The historical context she uses is the mention of the Countess of Huntington. Also the way Mr. Whitefield dreamed of America’s greatnes... Free Essays on Anne Bradstreet And Phillis Wheatly Free Essays on Anne Bradstreet And Phillis Wheatly Phillis Wheatly and Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatly are two women in American Literature who are greatly respected for the works of poetry they have created. Phillis Wheatly is of a patriotic writer. Writing for the love she has for her country and countrymen. She is not shy when addressing the beauty of the land and its people. Whereas, Anne Bradstreet is more of an individual poet who draws on personal experiences based on her through her life. Both women are fabulous writers but have two different ways of writing. In Anne Bradstreet’s poem The Four Ages of Man she is writing about the birth and life of a child. The way the tone is set in this poem is a very melancholy dreary tone almost with a hint of hate. The emotions that this person is going through are feelings of not being worthy. In the poem it states that the child doesn’t even feel deserving of its own mother’s breast milk. And as this child develops Anne Bradstreet writes about lack of motivation this person has and thinks he will never amount to anything. Anne Bradstreet changes the somber tone for a more serious confessional like tone in To My Dear and Loving Husband. She expresses this love with straightforward statements that make the reader believe in this pure romance between this man and wife. In this she writes about her great romance with her husband that she loves and respects more than anything. Love is the most difficult thing to describe but I think she did an amazing job. When Anne Bradstreet said, â€Å"My love is such that rivers could not quench† she hit it right on the nose. Phillis Wheatly on the other hand takes a less personal approach and has a more global feel. In her poem On the Death of the Revered Mr. George Whitefield she writes about a well-respected man. The historical context she uses is the mention of the Countess of Huntington. Also the way Mr. Whitefield dreamed of America’s greatnes...

Monday, February 24, 2020

Compare between the puplic transport in Oslo city (norway) and western Essay

Compare between the puplic transport in Oslo city (norway) and western australia - Essay Example The city of Perth basically runs the CAT buses around the city to provide a free service to visitors and also to reduce the regular traffic. (Public Transport, Perth). Trains: the train service in Perth also very much advanced and well controlled. A traveler need to have a SmartRider to have an access in the FTZ using any of the train services, but, it is free of charge if someone having a journey within the FTZ boundaries. The tickets for the trains can be purchased from the machines at the stations or one can validate the SmatRider Ticket before entering the train. The public transport cost is very high in Perth for the best quality. Most of the revenue in the transport department comes from the individualized marketing program. However, the fare box revenue from these marketing programs is not enough. The private bus operators require approximately sixty two percent of additional fare. (McClintock 287) The Oslo Public transit system is basically comprised of buses, trams, ferries, local and intercity trains and also an extensive metro system called T-bane. A single ticket allows the traveler to use the full transit system for one hour. This is a very convenient way to roam the city around the city in summer. By this route a traveler can take a trip to the several Islands. Most of the boats depart from the piers outside the Oslo City Hals. (Henrik â€Å"Orientation and Sighseeing† page number has been omitted in the source) For this specific study it has been seen that for both the cities the public transport system is very much advances and run with a very well designed structure. However, the free ride is pretty expensive for the transport department and that part should be taken care of to make it a profitable

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Gis project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gis project management - Essay Example In other words, successful leaders have passion for leadership. Similarly, project managers ought to have an internal personal drive that inspires and motivates their job performance. It is also noted that leadership is an ongoing and challenging practice. Notably, GIS project management is not short of the same observation. GIS project managers handle multiple tasks, manage team members, interact with clients, and encounter end-users from time to time. All these duties and responsibilities translate to management and leadership challenges evident in GIS projects. Finally yet importantly, Jane Harman’s advice maintains that hard work and failure are key components of the leadership puzzle. This advice relates to GIS project management in the sense that managers will ultimately strive to achieve their project goals. On the same note, not every project translates to automatic success. In this respect, failures should be viewed as learning curves for improved future outcomes. The idea is to promote leadership and management in equal measure as far as project management is

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Romance and romantic medievalism Essay Example for Free

Romance and romantic medievalism Essay John Keats poem, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, presents a knight on his horse who meets a fairy lady but develops this clichi scenario into an exploration of the relationship between, the presumed male superiority and female innocence. It is a ballad that evokes medieval times. However, if one is expecting a stereotypical glorification of these, Keats rather has an interestingly critical approach to the archetypes of medieval romance and romantic medievalism. The identity of the titular female character is kept a mystery. We only know about her through the males interpretation of her. An essential point in this poem since it leads to the implicit meaning by the author. La Belle Sans Merci is a perfect example of how well-worn aspects as love such as sexual desire and unknown identity can be used to present a striking theme in a simple manner. These aspects are combined in a medieval set. The medieval setting is reinforced for the reader through the poems form. It is a ballad, which is full of fittingly old-fashioned diction and syntax. By his antiquated expression and his hypnotically monotone quadrametre, Keats achieves a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere with the first couple of stanzas of the poem. O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, So haggard and so woebegone? (L. 5-6) To use Keatss own words, the mood is woebegone. This clearly reflects the knights emotions as the unknown individual, whose voice opens the poem, asks him about his problems. This is clear evidence that the whole poem is actually a dialogue between the knight and an unknown character possibly identifiable with the poet. The first two stanzas start with a question a clear indication of antiphonal or dialogic style being employed. O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering? (L. 1-2) This unknown character is the speaker in the first three whole stanzas, after which the knight begins to tell of his surreal experience with this fairy. At this point, one could argue that it starts to get interesting. The keywords throughout the next five stanzas are presumed control, power, desire and superiority. Obviously the knight is somehow intrigued by this fairy. In what way, remains ambiguous in keeping with Keatss poetic style. Nevertheless, no doubt is left when one examines the diction that the knight has a distinct sexual desire for her: She lookd at me as she did love, And made sweet moan. (L. 19-20) The knight interprets her sweet moan as sexual and romantic interest even though he has no reason whatsoever to believe that the fairy is essentially interested: And sure in language strange she said I love thee true! (L. 27-28) It is rather his own presumption that makes him imagine this. Thus a still more surreal dream scenario arises within an already surreal world of fairies etc. This way of thinking leads the knight into a form of blind obsession. It is this ecstasy that leads him to his misery. From stanza five where he makes a garland and bracelets for the fairy until stanza eight where she takes him to her elfin grot, he presents himself is in charge of virtually everything. I set her on my pacing steed, (L. 21) She found me roots of relish sweet (L. 25) These are clear examples that indicate that either the knight acts upon the fairy or the fairy acts for him in keeping with conservative sexual roles. It can be assumed that this situation suits him since he nothing else saw all day long. The knight does not hesitate to convey his emotions nor is he the mysterious part in this poem. But loss of control appears in stanza eight when the knight enters onto the fairys territory. Certainly he goes to her home and he may go further than that: She took me to her elfin grot, And there she wept and sighd full sore, (L. 29-30) The subject of the sentences changes; now it is the fairy that acts and the knight becomes a passive character in the poem. This should be considered as the moment when the knights misery commences. Another, yet stronger example of this is found in the next stanza, And there she lulled me asleep, (L. 33). This line is attention-grabbing since it is not only the start of the knights misery, but can also be seen in the context of the male losing out in the battle between sexes. Suddenly the feminine character gets the upper hand in a poem set in the middle ages and written at the beginning of the 19th century. The clichi -like knight on pacing steed strong, handsome and should win over every lady that he desires. Instead he is utterly unmanned by the extremely sexy feminine fantasy character, whose identity remains a mystery throughout the poem, while his psyche is bared. The mysterious identity of the fairy and the ambiguity as to whether she did anything at all to the knight other than leave him is central to Keats message. If we knew more about her, it would no longer be a mystery to the reader whether she did entrance him or whether he has just fantasized all those Pale warriors, Death pale were they all; They cried La Belle dame sans Merci, Hath thee in thrall! Assuming the fairy was human, she could most probably speak and not only make sweet moan. Just one statement from the fairy could lead to a clarification of the real causes of knights apparently miserable situation and that would kill the point of the poem. In conclusion, Keats succeeds in revitalizing the medieval ballad form and romance themes by inverting their clichi s. He thereby succeeds to a high degree in questioning male assumptions of sexual dominance and the reader is left with a lot to think about after reading the poem.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Paul A Samuelson :: essays papers

Paul A Samuelson BIG ISSUES OF ECONOMIC CONCERN Samuelson has offered the world many economic theories. One area he is widely known for is his views on the spending multiplier. Samuelson has presented a way through his aggregate demand model to demonstrate how the spending multiplier affects individual types of spending. There are several components of aggregate demand. The basis for understanding this model is as follows: ïÆ'Ëœ An increase in prices causes a drop in household assets, thus causing consumers to spend less. ïÆ'Ëœ Increases in domestic prices reduce exports, which causes an increase in spending on imports. ïÆ'Ëœ The interest rate effect is when prices increase, as does the demand for money, thus increasing the interest rate. This forces a downward pressure on investment and purchases of durable goods. Therefore, investment, exports and consumption are all inversely related to pricing. In Samuelson’s model, government spending was the only constant. This means the government will always buy the same amount of goods no matter what the price. The aggregate demand schedule is therefore, the sum of consumption, investment, government purchases and exports. The chart below depicts the aggregate demand schedule. Price Level Consumption Investment Gov. Purchases Exports Real Expenditures (1986 $ billions) 160 400 75 100 25 600 140 450 100 100 50 700 120 500 125 100 75 800 100 550 150 100 100 9000 80 600 175 100 125 1000 Samuelson used this model to demonstrate how changes in these components would impact real expenditures. For example, the chart below shows the results if the government increased its purchases by $200 billion.

Monday, January 13, 2020

No development without Security Essay

Discuss this statement. In 2005, Kofi Annan, former United Nations General, made the memorable statement that there could be ‘no development without security, and no security without development’. This sparked a debate among multilateral agencies, governments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) about the effectiveness and targeting of international aid. Kofi Annan and the UN observed that violent conflict, poor governance and human development, for example reducing poverty and improving education, were interconnected. As well as this, they found that progress towards human development is impossible with political instability and poor governance but at the same time, areas of deprivation and poverty create fear within communities that allows terrorism, civil war and crime to erupt. During the past decade multilateral agencies, such as the UN, the World Bank and major donor governments have acknowledged that peace, political stability and good governance are required in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) for development. In Sub-Saharan Africa civil wars and regional conflicts have prevented progress because the resources that should have been devoted to development have in fact been lost through armed conflict. An example of this is Somalia, in east Africa with a Human Development Index of just 0. 284, where 20 years of civil war has created lawlessness, anarchy and a state without an official government, since 1991. Islamic insurgents including the Al-Shabaab group, with an estimated 14,000 militants and connections to Al-Qaeda, have controlled much of southern Somalia since 2008. Piracy on the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Somalia, is also a major problem in progress towards development. Dozens of foreign ships bearing food aid have been waylaid and about 10 billion dollars has been collected through piracy in ransom money and cargo value. This situation, affecting much of the coast surrounding Somalia, has prevented development from trade and foreign investment with an estimated 1. 25 billion dollars lost through potential trade opportunities. In contrast, the self-proclaimed state of Somaliland to the north of Somalia is having a construction boom. As well as this, the area has low crime rates and low fear of violence mainly due to greater group homogeneity but also because the port of Berbara, on the coast of Somaliland does not suffer from piracy so foreign aid is able to enter the country and hence development has occurred. Also, population structures within a country can impact upon the rate of development. In the past 40 years, 80 per cent of civil conflict outbreaks have occurred in countries with more than 60 per cent of the population under the age of 30. Many of these countries have been faced with autocratic governments, where life expectancies are, on average, 9 years less than democratically governed countries and infant mortality rates are 25 per cent higher than in democracies. However as these countries, with youthful populations, advance along the demographic transition, with declining birth and death rates, their vulnerability to civil conflict decreases due to lower dependency ratios and in turn a greater proportion of population at working age which allows for greater personal savings and government spending. A youthful population can be a tremendous advantage to society if they are educated, healthy and living in a safe world. This means that there will be many potential workers for the future, paying taxes, but most of these countries lack adequate economic capabilities to realise this potential. Afghanistan, in stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model (DTM), has a population of 31. 9 million, a total fertility rate of 6. 8 and 45 per cent of the population under the age of 15. This is has been mainly due to the fact that educational and career opportunities were non-existent, before 1980, and it was seen that women should stay at home which has dramatically influenced the demographic and economic situation of the country. Although, some development has started to take place with improvements in health care, small rural schemes, such as drainage systems and health clinics, being built through the National Solidarity Programme and a Hydro Electric Power turbine setup in the Helmand region which produces 33 megawatts of electricity annually. Inadequate and unequal human development is also a cause of political instability as well as an outcome. Poverty, hunger, poor health and education and oppression can create popular resentment towards governments. Where these problems coincide with separatist tendencies, the result may be armed conflict and civil war. Hence, it is argued that to achieve security and peace human development issues must have priority. In many countries some development can take place without security but this can also be observed at a smaller scale. On a local scale, it is often believed that without security of land tenure, housing will not develop. The huge pace of urbanisation in LEDCs has shown that large areas of previously empty land have been overrun by the development of poor, informal housing. In Bangalore, over 50 per cent of informal, slum housing, greater than 6km from the city centre is not ‘declared’ and there is no security of tenure, yet the residents continue to build. This shows that they are rarely willing to invest into housing that is anything more than semi-permanent without the security of being able to make sure they remain. In Mumbai, 90,000 of these dwellings were destroyed and 300,000 people were left homeless. Although, in areas such as Rochina in Sao Paulo, the opposite can occur. Here, one area within the country received granting for some security has resulted in development. Buildings are now being built with bricks rather than wood, roofs have tiles instead of corrugated iron and sewage systems have been installed. The continued development of the area is reliant on further improvements in security. While multilateral organisations and many world leaders believe that development can only be effective with security and security can only be achieved with development, some objections are still present. Some NGOs fear that this belief will encourage governments in LEDCs to divert international development aid to military spending to defeat separatist groups and crack down on political opposition. This in turn could escalate conflict, violate human rights and set back the whole development process.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cartesian and Platonic Philosophical Themes in The Matrix...

This essay will examine the philosophical questions raised in the movie The Matrix. It will step through how the questions from the movie directly relate to both skepticism and the mind-body problem, and further how similarly those problems look to concepts raised by both Descartes’ and Plato’s philosophies. It will attempt to show that many of the questions raised in the movie are metaphor for concepts from each philosopher’s works, and why those concepts are important in relation to how they are presented in the film. In this analysis, we will examine the questions of skepticism and the mind-body problem separately. Part one will examine how the film broached the subject of skepticism, and in doing so how it ties in to†¦show more content†¦Simply put, the Matrix represent a system of complete and utter deception and cradle to grave control of those minds trapped within, all sharing the computer generated complex illusion. The Matrix as the evil ge nius or malicious demon should not be difficult to grasp. The parallels are there, near the surface, as Descartes surmises that an all-powerful malevolent entity has focused all its energies on to him to deceive him on every level of his existence (Descartes, 49). The Matrix as a system represents that very concept; as it can change the layout of buildings and the nature of things inside the Matrix within on a whim, it can manipulate events to influence the outcome of all of the lives contained inside, and that it shows one what it wants one to see in order to hide the fact that they are all just dreamers trapped in capsules full of goo with cables hooked to every nerve bundle tying the subjects nervous systems to the false reality of the Matrix (Sanders, 215). References to the Cave are not very deep below the surface either, perhaps more prevalent than the hints of Descartes. At the same time that the Matrix is